
Secure Configuration

Secure Configuration

Set up your computer securely to minimise the ways a cyber criminal can find a way in.  Remove or disable unused software Software is made up of...

What are the changes to Cyber Essentials this year?

Security Update Management

Prevent cyber criminals using the vulnerabilities they find in software as an access point to your systems.  Software and firmware used by your...



The scope of your evaluation The root of the English word, ‘scope’ comes from the Greek word which has the meaning “see”.  Scope can mean the...

Malware Protection

Malware Protection

Identify and immobilise viruses or other malicious software before it has a chance to cause harm. What is malware? Malware is short for malicious...

User Access Control

User Access Control

Control who can access your data and services and what level of access they have. Separate accounts for each user with no shared accounts People who...



Create a security filter between the internet and your network    Throughout history, when building homes, villages and towns, people have sought to...