NCSC Assured Cyber Advisors

Have knowledge and understanding of the Cyber Essentials technical controls

Are competent in providing practical, hands-on support to small and medium sized organisations

Work for a company which has met the National Cyber Security Centre’s quality and cyber security standards

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IASME – the NCSC’s Official Cyber Advisor Delivery Partner.

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is the UK’s technical authority for cyber security. Its mission is to make the UK the safest place to live and work online.
IASME is partnered with the NCSC to deliver the Cyber Advisor scheme which helps you find reliable and cost effective cyber security advice and practical support.

What is the Cyber Advisor (Cyber Essentials) Scheme?

Cyber Advisor is the National Cyber Security Centre’s (NCSC) Industry Assurance scheme delivered in partnership with IASME. It provides small and medium sized organisations with reliable and cost-effective cyber security advice and practical support.

In the past, organisations seeking help from an NCSC approved cyber security expert tended to be large and complex, from the defence, security or banking industries or from part of the critical national infrastructure. If your requirements are complex, or you operate in a nationally critical sector, you should refer to the NCSC Assured Cyber Security Consultancy scheme pages.

Today, the widespread adoption of digital technology for products and services has made basic cyber security essential to every business that connects to the internet. Accessibility to this protection contributes to the national security of the UK. Consequently, the NCSC aims to extend its reach to offer a trusted source of cyber security advice to a wider range of organisations.

Despite a growing emphasis on cyber security, many organisations often find it hard to choose the right help to meet current guidance. The Cyber Advisor scheme aims to ensure the availability of trusted cyber security advice.

Why use a Cyber Advisor?

Cyber Advisors will help organisations implement the Cyber Essentials technical controls. This service is known as Cyber Advisor (Cyber Essentials).

Cyber Advisors (Cyber Essentials) can help organisations assess the gap between their current cyber security stance, and that achieved by implementing the Cyber Essentials technical controls. This service is tailored towards micro, small or medium sized organisations and the Advisors have all been assessed not just on their technical knowledge, but also their ability to work specifically with small organisations.

With the specific needs of an individual business in mind, Cyber Advisors can provide hands-on support to help the organisation take recommended actions.

An organisation will be helped to meet the Cyber Essentials technical controls, however, they do not necessarily need to be aiming for Cyber Essentials certification. The advice offered by Cyber Advisors will help prepare an organisation if they want to certify, in which case, they will need to apply through a Cyber Essentials Certification Body.

Cyber Advisors can help organisations by:


Conducting a Cyber Essentials gap analysis to review the organisation’s IT and identify which changes are needed to meet the Cyber Essentials controls


Planning technical changes to improve security while being guided by an organisation’s specific business needs


Carrying out the technical changes to improve security – or guiding the organisation’s own staff to do these changes


Explaining clearly to the business owner what changes have been made and why, and what recommended changes are still to be made

Find a Cyber Advisor

Reputable expert support for small and medium-sized organisations

When choosing a provider, you may wish to consider whether they have the relevant experience in the sector you operate in, or in the technology that you use.

There is no recommended price for assured Cyber Advisors to charge. Each job will vary depending upon the size of your organisation and the complexity of your IT.

Each quote from a Cyber Advisor will vary depending upon the size of your organisation and the complexity of your IT

Find a Cyber Advisor

Reputable expert support for small and medium-sized organisations

When choosing a provider, you may wish to consider whether they have the relevant experience in the sector you operate in, or in the technology that you use.

There is no recommended price for assured Cyber Advisors to charge. Each job will vary depending upon the size of your organisation and the complexity of your IT.

Each quote from a Cyber Advisor will vary depending upon the size of your organisation and the complexity of your IT

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