Find an ASSURE Cyber Professional

What is an ASSURE Cyber Supplier and Cyber Professional?
The CAA utilises independent, third-party commercial Cyber Suppliers to conduct ASSURE Cyber Audits. ASSURE Cyber Suppliers utilise ASSURE Cyber Professionals who hold appropriate professional certifications and are accredited to conduct ASSURE Cyber Audits.
An ASSURE Cyber Supplier must meet minimum professional, security and quality standards. ASSURE Cyber Professionals are accredited in one or more of the three specialisms:
• Cyber Audit & Risk Management;
• Technical Cyber Security Expert; and/or
• Industrial Control Systems/Operational Technology Expert
The ASSURE accreditation process provides a mechanism for interested parties to become accredited ASSURE Cyber Suppliers and ASSURE Cyber Professionals, following a series of in-depth checks performed by both IASME and the CAA.

ASSURE Cyber Suppliers

Address: Hill Park South, Springfield Drive, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7LH
Contact: Tim Myall -Senior Business Manager – Civil Aerospace, Rail and Roads
email : [email protected]
Company info: Frazer-Nash is a leading systems, engineering and technology company. We support aviation, aerospace and many other industries, offering independent cyber audits, innovative solutions, and specialist expertise to our clients which reduces the risks and costs of projects and programmes.

Address: 17 St. Peters Place, Fleetwood, Lancashire FY7 6EB
Contact: [email protected]
Company info: Bergerode Consulting is a leading Cyber Security consultancy and Cyber Essentials and IASME Governance certifying body in North West England. It is also part of the BSI Associate Consultant Program, and a Trusted Partner to the Greater Manchester Cyber Resiliency Centre. Bergerode Consulting offers vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, ISO27001 auditing, Cyber Essentials assessments, and bespoke cyber health checks

Address: 21 Churchill Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire. OX26 4TR
Contact: Dr John McCarthy
email : [email protected]
Our mission is to help your airport take control of its security, not to make your job harder
Based on its 20 years’ experience of delivering cyber security services to the Transport and Critical National Infrastructure services in the UK and Europe, Oxford Systems has developed a number of services to assist your airport in defending itself against the modern world of cyber and IT attacks, and complying with the increasing regulatory environment. We understand that each airport is different and will help find ways to handle security that work for you, not against you