Help & Resources
Find a Certification Body
IASME Certification Bodies or CBs are specially trained cyber security companies located across the world. Many of the CBs are micro or small organisations and all are licensed and assured by IASME to offer assessment and certification to cyber security standards such as Maritime Cyber Baseline.
An IASME Assessor is a trained and qualified cyber security professional that assesses cyber security standards such as Maritime Cyber Baseline. All Assessors need to work for a Certification Body to be able to carry out assessments.
Request the Maritime Cyber Baseline Self-Assessment Questions
The verified assessment question set is available for free on request.
It is a good idea to request the question set in advance and prepare the answers before applying. By doing this, you can ensure that there are no unexpected aspects that may take a significant amount of time to comply with. Once you have paid, we will send you the login details to access a secure online assessment platform. Do not send your answers to the verified assessment questions directly to us.
Request Question Set
The Maritime Cyber Baseline badge
IASME partners with BlockMark Technologies to deliver and verify digital certifications. Once assessed to the standard, applicants will receive a digital certificate and verifiable digital badge representing that certificate which can be shown on a website or email footer. You can use the badge to assure customers/clients, supply chains and others that information stored and handled by the certified company is protected to a reasonable level for most practical purposes.
Get Maritime Cyber Baseline today
If you have any other questions and would like to chat with a member of our customer services team, please contact us today on 03300 882 752 or email us on [email protected].